Enter your draw weight, arrow weight, distance to target, and windage into the calculator to determine the drop of your arrow.

Arrow Ballistics Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the drop of the arrow:

Drop = (Draw Weight / Arrow Weight) * Distance * 0.1


  • Drop is the vertical distance the arrow falls over the distance to the target (inches)
  • Draw Weight is the force required to draw the bow (lbs)
  • Arrow Weight is the weight of the arrow (grains)
  • Distance is the distance to the target (yards)

To calculate the drop, multiply the draw weight by the distance and divide by the arrow weight, then adjust for the unit conversion.

What is Arrow Ballistics Calculation?

Arrow ballistics calculation refers to the process of determining the trajectory and performance of an arrow in flight. This involves understanding the physics of how arrows behave when shot from a bow, including factors like draw weight, arrow weight, distance to target, and environmental conditions such as wind. Accurate ballistics calculations are essential for archers to improve their aim and ensure successful shots.

How to Calculate Arrow Drop?

The following steps outline how to calculate the drop of an arrow using the given formula:

  1. First, determine your draw weight and arrow weight.
  2. Next, measure the distance to your target.
  3. Consider any windage that may affect the arrow’s flight.
  4. Use the formula from above: Drop = (Draw Weight / Arrow Weight) * Distance * 0.1.
  5. Finally, calculate the drop by plugging in the values.

Example Problem:

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

Draw Weight = 60 lbs

Arrow Weight = 400 grains

Distance to Target = 30 yards

Windage = 5 mph


1. What is draw weight?

Draw weight is the amount of force required to pull the bowstring back to a certain distance, typically measured in pounds.

2. How does arrow weight affect performance?

Heavier arrows tend to have more kinetic energy and can penetrate better, while lighter arrows may fly faster and flatter.

3. Why is windage important in arrow ballistics?

Windage refers to the effect of wind on the arrow’s flight path. Adjusting for windage is crucial for accurate shooting, especially at longer distances.

4. Can this calculator be used for different types of bows?

Yes, the calculator can be used for various types of bows, but the draw weight and arrow weight should be adjusted accordingly.

5. Is the calculator accurate?

The calculator provides an estimate of arrow drop based on the inputs provided. For precise measurements, it’s best to conduct field tests.