Utilize the Arty Calculator to determine the impact time of your artillery based on distance, angle, and velocity.

Artillery Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the impact time of artillery:

Impact Time = Distance / (Muzzle Velocity * cos(Firing Angle))


  • Impact Time is the time it takes for the projectile to reach the target (s)
  • Distance is the distance to the target (m)
  • Muzzle Velocity is the speed of the projectile as it leaves the barrel (m/s)
  • Firing Angle is the angle at which the projectile is fired (degrees)

To calculate the impact time, divide the distance by the product of the muzzle velocity and the cosine of the firing angle.

What is Artillery Calculation?

Artillery calculation refers to the process of determining the trajectory and impact time of artillery projectiles. This involves understanding the physics of projectile motion, including factors such as distance, angle, and velocity. Accurate artillery calculations are crucial for effective targeting and minimizing collateral damage.

How to Calculate Impact Time?

The following steps outline how to calculate the impact time using the given formula:

  1. First, determine the distance to the target.
  2. Next, establish the firing angle and muzzle velocity.
  3. Use the formula from above: Impact Time = Distance / (Muzzle Velocity * cos(Firing Angle)).
  4. Finally, calculate the impact time by plugging in the values.
  5. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.

Example Problem:

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

Distance to Target = 1000 m

Firing Angle = 45 degrees

Muzzle Velocity = 300 m/s


1. What is muzzle velocity?

Muzzle velocity is the speed at which a projectile exits the barrel of a firearm or artillery piece.

2. How does wind affect artillery calculations?

Wind can alter the trajectory of a projectile, requiring adjustments to the firing angle and velocity to ensure accurate targeting.

3. Why is it important to calculate impact time?

Calculating impact time is essential for effective targeting and ensuring that artillery fire lands accurately on the intended target.

4. Can this calculator be used for different types of artillery?

Yes, the calculator can be adapted for various types of artillery by adjusting the input parameters accordingly.

5. Is the calculator accurate?

The calculator provides an estimate of impact time based on the inputs provided. For precise calculations, it’s best to consult military guidelines or artillery experts.