Use the Borderlands 3 Skill Calculator to optimize your character’s skills and create powerful builds.

Borderlands 3 is a game that emphasizes character customization and skill allocation. Each character has a unique skill tree that allows players to specialize in different abilities and playstyles. Understanding how to effectively allocate skill points can significantly enhance your gameplay experience.

Understanding Skill Trees

Each character in Borderlands 3 has three distinct skill trees, each focusing on different aspects of gameplay. For example, Moze can specialize in heavy weaponry, while Amara can focus on elemental damage. Players must choose how to allocate their skill points wisely to maximize their character’s potential.

When using the skill calculator, players can visualize their skill allocation and see how different skills synergize with one another. This is crucial for creating effective builds that can tackle the game’s toughest challenges.

Creating Effective Builds

Creating a build involves more than just selecting skills; it requires a deep understanding of how those skills interact with each other and the overall gameplay mechanics. Players should consider their preferred playstyle, whether it be aggressive, defensive, or support-oriented, and allocate skill points accordingly.

For instance, a build focused on survivability may prioritize skills that enhance health and shield regeneration, while a damage-focused build may invest heavily in skills that increase weapon damage and critical hit chance.

Skill Allocation Strategies

When allocating skill points, players should consider the following strategies:

  • Synergy: Choose skills that complement each other. For example, if a skill increases damage, consider pairing it with skills that enhance critical hit rates.
  • Balance: Ensure a balance between offensive and defensive skills to create a well-rounded character.
  • Experimentation: Don’t hesitate to experiment with different builds. The skill calculator allows for easy adjustments, so players can test various combinations without penalty.


Using the Borderlands 3 Skill Calculator is an excellent way to plan your character’s development and ensure you are making the most of your skill points. By understanding the intricacies of skill trees and build creation, players can enhance their gameplay experience and tackle the challenges of Borderlands 3 with confidence.