Use the Alpe du Zwift Calculator to estimate your climb time based on your power output, weight, and average gradient. This tool helps cyclists prepare for one of the most iconic climbs in the virtual cycling world.

Climb Time Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the estimated time for climbing Alpe du Zwift.

Time = (Weight * Gradient) / Power Output * 10


  • Time is the estimated climb time (minutes)
  • Weight is the rider’s weight (kg)
  • Gradient is the average gradient of the climb (%)
  • Power Output is the average power output (Watts)

To calculate the estimated time, multiply the weight and gradient, then divide by the power output, and multiply by 10. This provides a simplified estimation of the climb time.

What is Alpe du Zwift?

Alpe du Zwift is a virtual replica of the famous Alpe d’Huez climb, featured in the online cycling platform Zwift. Known for its challenging ascent and 21 hairpin bends, it’s a favorite among cyclists seeking to test their climbing prowess in a virtual setting. The climb in Zwift is 12.2 km long with an average gradient of 8.5%, reaching a height of 1036 meters.

How to Prepare for Alpe du Zwift?

Proper preparation for Alpe du Zwift involves a combination of physical training, understanding your power output, and simulating the climb as closely as possible.

  1. Train regularly on climbs to build strength and endurance.
  2. Monitor your power output using a power meter to gauge your performance.
  3. Simulate the climb in Zwift or on similar gradients to familiarize yourself with the effort required.
  4. Use the calculator above to estimate your climb time and adjust your training accordingly.
  5. Ensure proper nutrition and hydration before and during the climb.

Example Problem:

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge.

Average Power Output = 250 Watts

Weight = 70 kg

Average Gradient = 8.5%


1. What is power output?

Power output is the amount of power (in Watts) a cyclist produces while pedaling. It’s a key metric for measuring performance, especially during climbs.

2. How does weight affect climb time?

Weight significantly affects climb time; the heavier the rider, the more power is needed to overcome gravity. Reducing weight can lead to faster climb times.

3. How accurate is the Alpe du Zwift calculator?

The calculator provides an estimate based on simplified formulas. For more precise predictions, consider other factors like wind resistance and rolling resistance.

4. Can I use this calculator for other climbs?

Yes, you can adjust the gradient and distance fields to estimate times for other climbs. However, the specific characteristics of each climb can affect accuracy.

5. What is the best way to improve my climb time?

To improve your climb time, focus on increasing your power output through interval training, reducing body weight, and improving your overall cycling efficiency.