Use the Banzhaf Power Index Calculator to determine the power distribution among voters in a voting system. This calculator is particularly useful in political science and game theory, where understanding the influence of different voters is crucial.

What is the Banzhaf Power Index?

The Banzhaf Power Index is a measure of the power of a voter in a voting system. It quantifies the likelihood that a single voter can change the outcome of a vote. This index is particularly relevant in systems where votes are weighted differently, such as in corporate boards or legislative bodies.

How is the Banzhaf Power Index Calculated?

The calculation involves determining the total number of votes and the weights of each voter. The Banzhaf index is computed by analyzing all possible voting combinations and identifying how often each voter is pivotal in changing the outcome. A pivotal voter is one whose vote can change a losing coalition into a winning one.

Steps to Calculate the Banzhaf Power Index

  1. Input the total number of votes in the system.
  2. Enter the weights of each voter as a comma-separated list.
  3. Click on the “Calculate” button to compute the Banzhaf Power Index.
  4. The result will display the power index for the voters based on their weights.

Example Calculation

Consider a voting system with a total of 100 votes, where three voters have weights of 30, 40, and 30 respectively. The Banzhaf Power Index can be calculated to determine how much influence each voter has in the decision-making process.

Applications of the Banzhaf Power Index

The Banzhaf Power Index is widely used in various fields, including:

  • Political Science: To analyze the power dynamics in legislative bodies.
  • Game Theory: To study strategic interactions among players.
  • Corporate Governance: To assess the influence of shareholders in decision-making.


1. What does a higher Banzhaf Power Index indicate?

A higher index indicates greater power and influence in the voting system, meaning that the voter is more likely to be pivotal in decision-making.

2. Can the Banzhaf Power Index be negative?

No, the Banzhaf Power Index is always a non-negative value, as it represents the power of a voter.

3. How does the Banzhaf Power Index differ from the Shapley-Shubik Index?

While both indices measure voting power, the Banzhaf index focuses on the ability to change outcomes, whereas the Shapley-Shubik index considers the order of votes and coalition formation.

4. Is the Banzhaf Power Index applicable in all voting systems?

Yes, it can be applied in any voting system where votes are weighted, including parliamentary systems, corporate boards, and more.

5. Where can I find more resources on voting power indices?

For further reading, you can explore various academic papers and resources on game theory and political science, or visit this link for related calculators.