Enter the total number of pills, daily dose, and dose frequency into the calculator to determine your next refill date.

Medicine Refill Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the refill date for your medication.

Refill Date = Current Date + (Total Pills / (Daily Dose * Dose Frequency))


  • Total Pills is the number of pills you have.
  • Daily Dose is the number of pills you take each day.
  • Dose Frequency is how many times you take your daily dose each day.
  • Refill Date is the date you need to refill your prescription.

To calculate the refill date, divide the total pills by the product of the daily dose and dose frequency, and add the result to the current date.

What is Medicine Refill Calculation?

Medicine refill calculation refers to the process of determining the date when you will need to refill your prescription based on your total number of pills, daily dosage, and dose frequency. This ensures you never run out of medication and can plan your refills accordingly.

How to Calculate Refill Date?

The following steps outline how to calculate the refill date using the given formula.

  1. First, determine the total number of pills you have.
  2. Next, determine your daily dose and dose frequency.
  3. Use the formula from above: Refill Date = Current Date + (Total Pills / (Daily Dose * Dose Frequency)).
  4. Finally, calculate the refill date by plugging in the values.
  5. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.