Enter your daily hours worked and number of work days to calculate your total hours worked using the calculator.

Timesheet Calculation Formula

The following formula is used to calculate the total hours worked:

Total Hours = Daily Hours Worked * Number of Work Days


  • Daily Hours Worked is the number of hours worked each day
  • Number of Work Days is the number of days worked
  • Total Hours is the total hours worked over the given period

To calculate the total hours, multiply the daily hours worked by the number of work days.

What is Timesheet Calculation?

Timesheet calculation refers to the process of determining the total hours worked over a specific period. This involves logging the number of hours worked each day and multiplying by the number of days worked. Proper timesheet calculation is essential for accurate payroll processing and ensuring employees are compensated correctly for their time worked.

How to Calculate Total Hours Worked?

The following steps outline how to calculate the total hours worked using the given formula:

  1. First, determine the number of hours worked each day.
  2. Next, count the number of work days in the period.
  3. Use the formula from above: Total Hours = Daily Hours Worked * Number of Work Days.
  4. Finally, calculate the total hours by plugging in the values.
  5. After inserting the variables and calculating the result, check your answer with the calculator above.

Example Problem:

Use the following variables as an example problem to test your knowledge:

Daily Hours Worked = 8
